Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Cheats

Publicat de Zecatmeister duminică, 13 septembrie 2009

So you just finished playing the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and you're wondering what's next. Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, of course! Continue Arthas' saga and take part in his damnation as the battle is nigh and the scourging of Lordaeron shows its worst. You'll find yourself overrun by hordes of undead and then what do you do? You look up these handy little codes to help you hold up against such formidable foes. Have at you!

Press [Enter] during a single player game to pop up the dialog box. Type in a code from the list below to get the desired effect and then hit [Enter] again. If done correctly, you'll see the "Cheat Enabled!" message flashing on the screen. Otherwise, it means you're doing something wrong and the code is not enabled. Try again. Here are the effects along with the base codes:

Instant Win - allyourbasearebelongtous
Instant Loss - somebodysetusupthebomb 
View map - iseedeadpeople 
Continue playing after death - strengthandhonor 
Removes food limits - pointbreak 
Instant spell - thedudeabides
Fast Build - warpten 
No Trees - abrakadabra 
L10 Allied Units - ihavethepower 
Turn off Tech-Tree - synergy 
Turn off Victory - itvexesme 
Invulnerability - whosyourdaddy
Receive 500 gold and lumber - greedisgood
Receive # gold and lumber - greedisgood #
Receive 500 gold - keysersoze
Receive # gold - keysersoze # 
Receive 500 lumber - leafittome
Receive # lumber - leafittome #Level select - motherland [race] [level] 
Instant doom - iocainepowder 
Quick research - whoisjohngalt 
Research all upgrades - sharpandshiny 
Morning - riseandshine 
Infinite mana - thereisnospoon 
Daytime - daylightsavings 
Night - lightsout
Toggle daylight progression - daylightsavings

To disable most of the Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne cheats simply enter the code again. Remember that cheat codes only work in single-player missions and custom maps. Most of the Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne cheats besides general ones will not work with your allies. If you use God mode cheat, it will only affect your team, and no one else. There are no multiplayer cheats for the game, as far as player versus player battles are concerned.

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